What is the prettiest type of Betta?


‍Bettas are one of the most beloved fish for aquarium hobbyists. With their vibrant colors, long fins, and spunky personalities, it’s no surprise that they’ve become such popular additions to many tanks. But what is the prettiest type of Betta? That’s a tough question to answer, as there are so many stunning varieties to choose from. From bright reds and oranges to deep blues and purples, each type of Betta has something unique to offer. Whether you’re looking for a classic look or something more exotic, there’s sure to be a Betta that catches your eye. Let’s take a closer look at the different types of betta fish and find out which is the prettiest.

Overview of Popular Betta Varieties

The Betta is a species of fish that is native to Southeast Asia, particularly in Thailand and Malaysia. Breeders have been experimenting with Betta varieties for hundreds of years, as they’re a popular choice for ornamental fish. The popularity of Betta fish has also led to several misconceptions about their care, particularly their dietary needs. Betta fish should not be kept in aquariums with fish or other aquatic animals, as they don’t have a high enough metabolism to thrive in these conditions.

Instead, Betta fish make the best companions for people who keep aquatic plants, like Betta booBetta Plant. Although there are many different Betta varieties to choose from, including wild Bettas, we’ve highlighted a few of the most popular below. Let’s take a closer look at the different types of Bettas and find out which is the prettiest.

Red Veiltails

Veiltail Bettas are one of the most common Betta varieties, and they’re often referred to as the “Betta standard”. With their long, flowing fins, Veiltail Bettas are often described as having a “Chinese dragon” look. Because they have such long fins, Veiltail Bettas prefer to be kept in tanks with more space for swimming. They also thrive in slightly cooler water, between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Veiltail Bettas are incredibly colorful fish, with a wide range of colorations to choose from. From classic reds and oranges to blues and purples, there’s sure to be a Veiltail Betta that catches your eye. Because they have such long fins, Veiltail Bettas are also a little more challenging to care for. It’s best to keep them in a tropical aquarium with clean water and a few aquatic plants for them to hide in.

Blue Mustards

Blue Mustards are one of the most colorful Betta varieties, often being described as “Chinese New Year” fish due to their vibrant red and gold markings. Blue Mustards are colorful fish, but they tend to be a little less finicky than other Veiltail Bettas. Blue Mustards are tropical fish, so they do best in warm waters between 72 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Blue Mustards prefer a smaller tank than other Veiltails, as they don’t require as much swimming room.

It’s also important to keep the water in their tank a bit cooler than other Veiltails, between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Blue Mustards thrive in brightly lit tanks with a few aquatic plants for them to hide in. They also tend to be less aggressive towards other fish than other Betta varieties, making them a great option for a community tank.

Purple Crowntails

Finally, we come to the purple Crowntail. Crowntails are known for their long, flowing fins, and the purple Crowntail is no exception. These fish are known for their vibrant purple color and long, flowing fins. They’re also one of the more exotic varieties of Betta, making them a great choice for anyone looking to add something unique to their tank.


Bettas are one of the most popular fish in the aquarium hobby. With their long fins and vibrant colors, they’re sure to add a touch of charm to any tank. While there are many types of Bettas to choose from, we’ve identified three that stand out above the rest. If you’re looking for thae prettiest type of Betta, make sure to check out the red Veiltail, blue Mustard, and purple Crowntail.

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