The Top Ways To Stay Cool Inside Your Property.


It is true that we get our fair share of hot weather here in the big city and while it is better than living in London for example where it rains most of the year, sometimes the heat can get unbearable and so we have to take steps to further cool down our properties. The price of electricity has gone sky high at the moment and so we can’t start using our air-conditioners more and we certainly can’t start turning down the temperature a few more degrees. It’s going to take a little bit of out-of-the-box thinking to cool everybody down and to save on your utility bills.

It would of course makes sense to have a ceiling fan installation from Scott Electrics as this will help to circulate the air around the room and keep the space cooler for longer. It means that you can put your air conditioner at a higher temperature and the ceiling fan will help to create coolness that was not there before. It would probably be a good idea to put one in the rooms that you frequent the most like the kitchen, the living room and your bedroom. The following are just some of the ways to help you stay cool inside your property on these hot days.

  • Close the blinds – If you have blinds installed on your windows and doors then now would be the perfect time to close them to keep the heat of the sun outside where it should be and to provide you with some privacy as well. This will have an immediate cooling effect and if you have any curtains then close them as well.
  • Use plants & shrubs – This is why it always makes sense to put your plants and shrubs into movable flower pots so that you can place them all around your property at different times of the year when the sun shines. They can offer you a fantastic way to block out the heat of the sun and they also look amazing as well.
  • Check the ceiling fan settings – Many people don’t know this but you need to make sure that your ceiling fan is rotating counter-clockwise in hot weather because this helps to create a much better cooling effect. Make sure that it is installed correctly every single time.

Clearly a ceiling fan in every room will be your best option every single time but if your budget doesn’t stretch that far at this very moment then leaving doors and windows open during the day can help the air to circulate around the inside of your property.

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