The Five Worst Personal Injury Attorney Myths



How often have you heard, you need to hire a personal injury attorney in response to your accident? The fact of the matter is that most of the time, you don’t need to hire an attorney at all. In fact, if you do hire an attorney, there’s quite a good chance that you’ll end up with much less than you could have received if you handled it on your own. To find out why this happens, as well as to learn more about hiring the right lawyer and fighting back against these five myths about Garland Personal Injury Attorney, keep reading!

Personal injury lawyers are ambulance chasers.

Most personal injury attorneys are not ambulance chasers. In fact, most personal injury attorneys do not even advertise at all. Their business grows through word of mouth and referrals. Your employer is obligated to pay for your medical care if you have been injured at work or in a car accident. When they refuse to pay, an attorney can help them get the benefits that they deserve.

All personal injury attorneys are greedy.

In the court of public opinion, personal injury attorneys are often portrayed as greedy and money hungry. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Most personal injury attorneys are in this line of work for a few reasons: 

1) they want to help people 

2) they believe in justice 

3) they’re helping their clients get back on their feet and, 

4) they do it because it’s personally fulfilling. But, I’m not going to lie; there are some bad apples out there.

All personal injury cases are frauds.

I have handled a variety of personal injury cases and I can assure you, not every case is a fraud. Injuries that don’t result in death or permanent disability happen all the time to innocent people.

You can’t afford a personal injury attorney.

This is myth critical and the most common. Believe it or not, many personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis meaning that they don’t get paid unless you win your case. The only cost to you will be whatever it costs to file the lawsuit with the court.


No matter who you are, what you’re going through, or how much money is on the line, it’s important to get an attorney who’s on your side. And just because one attorney doesn’t work out for you doesn’t mean that they’re all bad. You should always ask around and find a lawyer who will take your case to heart and defend your interests above all else.

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