The Benefits Of Taking Breaks From Your Work Or Studies


It is well-known that leading a sedentary lifestyle can have negative consequences for our health. According to research, sitting for prolonged periods of time increases our risk of developing obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and premature death (1).

Fortunately, there are simple things we can do to offset the health risks of a sedentary lifestyle, and one of the most effective is to take regular breaks from sitting. In this article, we will discuss the numerous benefits of taking breaks from your work or studies.

1. Improved Concentration and Productivity 

One of the most common complaints among students and office workers is that it’s difficult to concentrate for long periods of time. This is not surprising, as research has shown that sitting for extended periods impairs our ability to think and remember information (2).

Fortunately, taking regular breaks can help to offset the effects of prolonged sitting. In one study, office workers who took a 17-minute walking break every hour improved their mood and concentration, and reported feeling more productive (3). This should be followed even if you are playing judi slot gacor.

2. Reduced Risk of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes 

As we mentioned earlier, sitting for prolonged periods of time can lead to weight gain and obesity. In fact, research has shown that for every hour we spend sitting, we burn about 50 calories less than we would if we were standing (4).

Over time, this lack of calorie burn can lead to weight gain and an increased risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. However, taking regular breaks throughout the day can help to offset the effects of prolonged sitting.

In one study, obese adults who took a 10-minute walk every hour improved their insulin sensitivity and reduced their risk of developing type 2 diabetes (5).

3. Improved Heart Health 

Prolonged sitting is also linked to an increased risk of heart disease. This is because sitting decreases our levels of good cholesterol and increases our levels of bad cholesterol (6).

In addition, sitting for long periods of time can lead to high blood pressure and a increased risk of blood clots (7). However, taking regular breaks can help to offset the negative effects of prolonged sitting on our heart health.

In one study, office workers who took a 30-minute walk every day reduced their risk of cardiovascular disease by 14% (8).

4. Reduced Risk of Cancer 

Prolonged sitting is also linked to an increased risk of cancer, specifically colon, breast, and endometrial cancer (9). However, taking regular breaks throughout the day can help to reduce your risk of developing cancer.

In one study, women who took a 30-minute walk every day reduced their risk of developing breast cancer by 20% (10).

5. Improved Mental Health 

Sitting for long periods of time can also lead to feelings of depression and anxiety (11). However, taking regular breaks can help to improve your mental health.

In one study, office workers who took a 20-minute walk every day reported feeling less stressed and more satisfied with their work-life balance (12).

Apart from that, break your routine. You can go for a walk, play judi slot online, or talk to a friend.


Taking regular breaks from your work or studies is essential for maintaining your health and well-being. Breaks give your mind and body a chance to rest and recover, and can help to improve your concentration, productivity, and mental health. In addition, taking breaks can help to reduce your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

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