How to Start Your Home Decluttering Journey?


Home decluttering is not an easy task for most of us. Home is the place where we relax and unwind after a tiring day at work or school, and it becomes difficult to declutter when that very same place makes us feel stressed out. However, the benefits of home decluttering are innumerable. Decluttering your home helps you lead a stress-free life, reduces negative thoughts and feelings, and makes you more productive with limited space. It also instils positivity in you by getting rid of unnecessary things that might trigger negative emotions later. With so many benefits, let’s explore some ways through which you can begin your home decor blog decluttering journey:

Be crystal clear about your decluttering goals

Before you start your home decluttering journey, make sure you are clear about your goals. For example: Do you want to declutter your entire home or just a specific area? Do you want to get rid of broken items or just stuff that you don’t use? Do you want to declutter paperwork or sentimental items? Knowing your goals will make the task far easier for you, and you will also be able to measure your success with ease.

Start with easy wins

As we just mentioned, decluttering your home can be a daunting task. The best way to overcome this hurdle is to start with easy wins. Try these tips to begin your decluttering journey:

– Declutter your bathroom: Your bathroom is the first place to start with your home decluttering journey. You can get rid of unwanted beauty products and other toiletries, cleaning supplies, and other items that are past their expiry date. You can also declutter your medicine cabinet by getting rid of expired drugs.

– Declutter your kitchen: Your kitchen is another important area that you can declutter easily. You can get rid of expired food and other items that you don’t use regularly. You can also declutter your kitchen cabinets by getting rid of duplicate and unused items.

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– Declutter your wardrobe: Getting rid of unwanted items from your wardrobe is another good way to begin your home decluttering journey. You can also donate unused and unworn items to charities that can put them to good use.

– Declutter your bookshelves: Your bookshelves are also a good place to start with your home decluttering journey. You can get rid of books that you have read but don’t plan to read again. You can also get rid of duplicate books and magazines, along with unused stationery.

Set a deadline and treat it as a game

Putting a deadline on your home decluttering journey will keep you motivated and help you finish the task quickly. You can challenge yourself to finish the task in a month or two, or you can challenge your family members to complete the task in a week or two. You can put up a reward system for the person who completes the task first.

The reward system can be anything from ice cream to shopping vouchers, depending on your family members’ interests. Setting a deadline and treating it as a game will help you stay focused and motivated till the end. You will also have the satisfaction of completing the task by the deadline.

Ask for help from family and friends

If you find any specific area of your home very difficult to declutter, you can ask for help from family or friends. For example, you can ask your family members to help you declutter your kitchen cabinets or bookshelves, or you can ask your friends to help you declutter your decorative items. You can also ask for help from your kids or pets for specific tasks. You can ask your kids to help you sort out toys or other items and ask your pets to help you get rid of excess papers, magazines, and other items.


Home decluttering is a journey of self-discovery and self-love. You will discover your real self when you let go of the excess baggage that is holding you back. You will be able to love yourself more when you are living in a clutter-free and organized home. Ultimately, home decluttering is a journey towards a stress-free and peaceful life, and one that is well worth the effort.

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