How to solve blood relation questions?


Blood relations is one of the most frequently asked topics of logical reasoning. It is among the topics that have been given importance in practically all competitive exams. Blood relation questions test the students’ analytical abilities and demonstrate how logical problems are solved simply by using diagrams instead. The charts/ diagrams are crucial in this topic and only the proper analysis helps you to draw the correct diagrams. 

Blood relations are frequently asked questions in exams like SBI PO, SBI Clerk, SBI SO, Railway NTPC, SSC, CAPF, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, IBPS SO, RRB, CISF and more. However, the level and type of questions asked in all these exams might be different; you are sure to find at least two to four blood-relation questions. So if you are preparing for any of these exams, understanding the topic and practising blood relationship questions pdf becomes crucial. 

Blood relation questions: The Basics

Any relationship established through marriage or birth is a blood relationship. Examples include father, mother, son, sister, daughter, etc., and father-in-law, mother-in-law, etc., for relationships based on marriage.

The level and type of problems asked from blood relations topic have changed in the past few years. Earlier the questions were more statement- or dialogue-based and quite straightforward but as competition has increased, so has the range and level of questions in various examinations.

The following are the various ways in which blood relation questions are asked in competitive exams:

Dialogue- or conversation-based – The questions in this category typically follow a dialogue or conversation between two persons based on the details discussed during the conversation. A person defines their relationship which may or may not be involve the person with whom the conversation is being made. For example, A is talking to B about C. 

Based on Puzzles – In this type, a group of facts is typically presented before a set of questions. You must respond to those questions using this information. Family tree diagrams are the best methods to solve them. In order to make the questions more challenging, questions about a person’s blood relationship are also asked in the style of a puzzle. A brief description of how several persons are connected is provided, and subsequent questions may be based on that information.

Coding and decoding- Two or more people’s relationships are represented by symbols like +, -, /, and *. Based on the provided code, you must assess the necessary relation. To solve the problem in this instance, you might also need a diagrammatic depiction. You can use the same illustration as is used with mixed-blood relationships. Solve the equation for the coding starting with the last letter. In competitive tests today, questions about blood relations are frequently asked in this manner.

Tips for solving blood relation questions

Here are four valuable tips that will incredibly help you solve blood relation questions:

Tip 1: Apply the query to yourself

For questions involving blood relations, this method works best. Try to apply each statement to yourself as you read the problem. The initials of the sentence could be interpreted as your name or you.

Tip 2: Subdivide the query into little components.

Lengthy statements can be challenging to understand. So, divide each statement in the blood relationship questions pdf into smaller ones, then find the answer.

Tip 3: Don’t assume gender.

Never guess the gender of any of the people in the question based solely on their given names.

Tip 4: Create concise diagrams as you work to solve

Drawing a family tree with members of the same generation placed at the same level and the complete diagram in the shape of a hierarchy is a simple way to address such issues with 100% correctness.

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