How to Relieve Dizziness Caused From Health Conditions


Do you have a health condition that makes it more challenging to enjoy your life? For example, you may have diabetes, chronic lung disease, or depression. 

Having to deal with any chronic health condition takes a lot of strength. Unfortunately, for many, it robs them of a positive quality of life.

One side-effect of struggling with health conditions may be experiencing dizziness. Dizziness can occur from not feeling well or a side effect of the medication you’re on. But, no matter how it’s caused, experiencing it can add to the anxiety you experience. You might even be afraid to stand up, move around, and go out and about. 

Fortunately, there are ways to relieve dizziness caused by health conditions. Keep reading to learn how to cope with dizziness and relieve your symptoms. 

1. Medications

Although taking medication isn’t ideal, it can be helpful in some cases. For example, many medicines for dizziness get prescribed to treat an underlying condition.

For instance, if you have migraines, then preventative migraine medications can help. Also, you may get prescribed anti-anxiety medications for dizziness resulting from anxiety attacks. You may have fluid buildup inside your ear due to Meniere’s disease. Then, the solution may be taking diuretics or water pills. 

Some medications focus specifically on dizziness instead of an underlying condition. For example, anticholinergics and antihistamines are two prescription options. You might also try over-the-counter antihistamines. 

It’s best to connect with a doctor to determine what medication may be effective. The doctor you select should be a specialist in your health condition. That way, they can provide the proper medical advice. 

2. Lifestyle Changes

You can make lifestyle changes to reduce dizziness. Medication doesn’t always help, but simple life changes can do the trick. 

Some simple things to manage your dizziness include: 

  • Getting enough rest
  • Lying down 
  • Closing your eyes
  • Staying hydrated

The above simple techniques may not work. If they don’t lessen your dizziness, take it a step further and try:

  • Minimizing stress 
  • Reducing tobacco and alcohol use 
  • Acupuncture 
  • Balance therapy
  • Head position maneuvers 
  • Psychotherapy for dizziness caused by anxiety disorders

Balance Therapy

Are you curious about how balance therapy works? 

Balance therapy takes place under a doctor’s supervision. During treatment, head position maneuvers can reposition small calcium crystals in the ear. Since the crystals can cause dizziness, this may prove effective. 

In addition, balance therapy trains your body to be less sensitive to specific movements. 

These techniques may have various levels of success. Some can treat dizziness rather well. Others might lessen the impact to make the problem easier to live with.

It’s important not to give up as you seek ways to deal with dizziness. With the many lifestyle changes available, there should be more than one that helps. 

3. Cannabis for Nausea

Cannabis has been legalized for medicinal purposes in many parts of the country. So if you live in such an area, it might be an option. 

Cannabis has shown to be quite powerful in helping the human brain. Using it results in the nervous system calming down and finding balance. Marijuana is something that helps a lot of patients with their nausea and dizziness issues. The side effects are milder or nonexistent, often compared to pharmaceutical options.

To use medical marijuana, it’s best to make an appointment with a medical marijuana doctor. Then, if you have a health condition that qualifies, you can get a medical marijuana card. From there, you can try marijuana as edibles and more by getting it at a dispensary near you. 

4. Surgeries and Other Procedures

Unfortunately, some severe cases might involve procedures or surgery. Your physician might decide to inject the inner part of your ear. Antibiotic gentamicin can disable your balance function. The unaffected parts of your ear would assume that job. 

A labyrinthectomy removes your inner ear sense organ in serious and rare cases. During the procedure, the labyrinthectomy disables the vestibular labyrinth in your impacted ear. Your other ear would then assume the balance function. This technique usually only gets used in cases of profound hearing loss. However, a doctor may suggest it to you if your dizziness has no improvement compared to other treatments.


Health conditions are never fun to deal with. And when you’re dealing with dizziness on top of chronic illness, it makes everything that much harder. Yet, there are many ways to treat or at least relieve dizziness.

The various forms of treatment discussed in this article can make life more manageable. In the best case, the solutions can restore your quality of life. 

Always consult with your primary care physician. It’s best to ask them which options might safely treat your dizziness. That way, you’ll know where to start as you seek ways to overcome feeling dizzy. 

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