Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Weed Tray


Rolling trays are essential gear for people who like to get high. Instead of using any hard surface, you can find, like tables, chairs, or even books, you should use a weed tray. This way, you won’t have to clean up any mess and waste less of your valuable herb.

Rolling trays give you a place to build joints, blunts, and bowls without losing any of the marijuana. This makes your life a lot easier. Rolling trays are used to make joints and blunts. The name pretty much tells you what they are used for. Instead of working on too small, too big, uneven, or both surfaces, it is easy and self-contained to use a rolling tray.

Materials Typically Used for Rolling Trays

Rolling trays come in almost every kind of material, like wood, metal, plastic, and silicone, to name a few. It can be used to make a rolling tray as long as it has a surface that is safe to roll on. Rolling trays come in handy.

Prices can range from almost nothing (for do-it-yourself types) to a lot of money if you want to go all out. So, finding a moveable tray that fits your budget and works for your lifestyle is not hard.


A rolling tray is meant to give you enough room to do your rolling ritual without being so big that it can’t be moved or stored anywhere. Keeping this in mind, a rolling tray is usually at least 15–20 centimeters wide, about the same length, and a couple of centimeters deep, but these measurements can vary considerably. Usually, they are squares or rectangles, but they can also be round, oblong, or even any shape the buyer wants.

Fun Designs

Rolling trays can be made in almost any way you can, so the options are endless. Most of the time, they are made of simple wood or plastic. Still, you can also find psychedelic art trays, resin trays with different shapes and items encased in clear or colored materials, and trays with glitter and stars on them. Since this is one of the most important things that a stoner needs, there is already a lot of it on the market. You can always make it yourself if you can’t find what you need.

DIY Metal Rolling Tray

Get a simple metal tray that is big enough for rolling joints but small enough to be easy to move around and store. Take off any labels it might have, and then use paint spray to give it the color you want. Once you’re sure the cutouts, stickers, and glitter are dry, you can add them.

Then, it would help if you covered the whole piece of art with epoxy. You could also start with something easier to shape, like cardboard, and paint it. You shouldn’t have any trouble if you cover the whole thing with epoxy to keep the decorations in place.

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